Monday 25 February 2013

OUGD406 - Communication is A Virus Crit 25.2.13

This was out second crit of the project, where we had ten minutes to explain the concept and development to Amber, and discuss how it will work and could be developed further. We also handed in our completed brief.
Completed brief form
Overall the feedback was positive on the new concept we have made - getting people to tweet only five times a day with tweets that aren't pointless, and have a reason. However our method of delivery still needs some working on as we are trying to make it viral.
Our ideas of putting up stickers where people are waiting and tweet a lot, is a good one, but is flawed in the fact that it might not really be effective in making people take note and actually visit our twitter page.
Tweeting people directly with photos of the sticker in places they've been is a bit too personal and could be considered creepy - I agree.
So perhaps stickers should be used in a different, more creative way.
It was suggested that creating everything digitally and sending out E-leaflets/posters etc would be a better idea as people are already on the computer and internet, and would be more likely to go onto our page.
Also suggested was the idea of making a desktop background for computer and phones that perhaps reminds people of our message and makes them think more consciously about it. I think this is definitely something to explore as it could end up being quite effective. (Also the use of an E-book which is printable).
It was also said that using a twitter page to counter the amount of twitter page is a little bit contradictory of itself and had to be done carefully. This is true, but twitter is an easy way to get the message out and get to the mass audience.

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