Saturday 8 March 2014

OUGD502 - A Design Strategy: Behance

Today I decided to set up my own Behance profile.

This is something that I have been wanting to do for a while, but felt that I didn't really have much of a portfolio to put up to the world. However at this point I do feel that there are some projects that I have completed and am happy with enough to put out there.

As well as setting up the Behance profile, as I am a student, I am able to link the account to one of Behance's sites 'Student Show' which is a dedicated server to students. This means that my work is now being shown in two different websites and I only have to maintain one profile as it is all linked together, which makes everything much easier for me and means I don't have to upload everything twice.

Behance profile:

Student Show profile:

I found it much easier than I thought to set up this profile and put my work up. I will now try update it as much as possible in a hope of getting a bit of recognition and putting myself out there in the design community.

Something I need to do is work on my self promotion and branding so I can create a strong identity through the display of my projects and how I put myself across to the people on these websites. Obviously this is a pretty hard task and something I will need to continuously develop.

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