Friday, 26 April 2013

OUGD406 - Speaking From Experience Final Crit 26.04.13

In this crit we were put into small groups and had to give a short presentation of our work, and say specifically what we wanted feedback/help on.

As my content was finished, my queries were on the stock choices. I had already chosen the stock to use for the coloured sheets.
Coloured stock chosen
However I was having trouble choosing out of the four stock types I had chosen for the main pages.
Stock Choices
The print quality was all the same on each, but I was having trouble choosing between them. I had already ruled the Grey Marl (3) out as the red made the paper seem a bit of a green colour and it didn't go with the burgundy stock at all when this happened.
My initial thought was between the two lighter stocks, Antique White (2) & Bulky Newsprint (4), but I was unable to decide, and I did like the texture of the sugar paper (1).
The feedback was mixed about the stock choices, evenly spread across the three, so we had a discussion about it and worked it around the burgundy stock.
Like me, people liked the texture of the sugar paper, but when it came to which went the best with the coloured stock, it was between the antique white and bulky newsprint as they were both white and clear. In the end the majority decided upon the bulky newsprint as it was a smoother stock.
Other feedback given was that on the section definition page. The text is in the same point size as on the designer pages, however as it is on coloured stock, which is quite dark, people found it was quite hard to read and suggested trying out different point sizes for it.
Overall I found the crit useful and think we all helped each other out a great deal. Doing a crit in a smaller group, where we can say exactly what we want feedback on is definitely a lot better than people just telling you what they think. I found it was helpful and specific and told me what I needed to know, and not make me think about design decisions that they have questioned because of their own opinions.

Monday, 22 April 2013

One Day Brief - The Bigger Ideas

One day brief - create a concept of an event which can be held in Leeds over a 4 - 7 day period, with no care into the budget & weather. Be creative and imaginative, not think about what is realistic, go for the big ideas.

The year was split into four groups and started a discussion on the topic. The group I was in quickly decided that we wanted a mix of Film, Music, Games & Food. Four big events in one, held all over Leeds depending on their needs.
We wanted it all to be fun, creative and make anyone feel like they are a kid again. While doing this, we also wanted to include the multicultural side of the city as well. So we separated into four groups, each focussing on one of the sections.

Myself, Ellen & Jane worked on the concept for the games section of the event. We began by making a large list of games that are played at fairs/theme parks/schools, trying to get a variety in there for kids and adults.
From this list we narrowed it down to five sections of the games park; Water park, Assault Course, Traditional Games, Sport & Outdoor board games.
From this, we discussed exactly how we wanted it to be laid out, and then Jane drew out a visual representation for us to show the group and use in the presentation at the end of the session.


Designers & Agencies
Si Scott -
Illustration, Graphic Design, Art

Dion Star Studio -
Publication, Identity, Installation

Analogue -
Identity, Print, Digital, Editorial, Packaging

The Consult -
Branding, Advertising

Alt -
Branding, Print, Digital

Lono -
Digital, Infographics, Editorial

400 -
Branding & Identity

The Pink Group -
Branding, Marketing, Digital

Branding, Identity, Print

The Touch Agency -
Digital, Identity, Print

The Design Surgery -
Editorial, Infographics, Brand Identity

Avenue -
Branding, Print, Web design

Ideas Factory -
Branding, Advertising, Identity, Marketing, Digital

Deep -
Brand Identity, Print, Digital

The Chase -
Branding, Digital, Environmental, Packaging, Print, Infographics

Love -

The Partners -
Branding, Identity

Pentagram -
Advertising, Branding, Identity, Editorial, Print, Infographics, Packaging, Environmental

Why Not Associates -
Identity, Print, Editorial, Environmental

Axel Peemoeller -
Brand, Editorial, Infographics, Print,, Environmental

In House -
Branding, Identity

David Airey -
Brand, Identity

Identity, Packaging, Environmental

Build -
Editorial, Identity, Environmental, Print, Packaging, Digital

David Carson -
Print, Branding, Editorial

Buro Destruct -
Print, Digital, Illustration, Editorial

Alan Kitching -
Screen Printing

Gen.A -
Branding, Identity, Editorial, Environmental

Pattern Matters -
Typography, Pattern

Josip Kelava -
Identity, Branding, Editorial, Typography

Frederico Landini -
Branding, Identity, Typography, Editorial

Mike Perry -
Print, Screen Printing, Illustration, Typography, Environmental, Digital

Koen Taselaar -
Illustration, Typography, Pattern

Branding, Identity, Environmental, Advertising

Pete Rossi -
Identity, Digital, Typography, Editorial, Environmental

Neo Neo -
 Identity, Branding, Editorial, Digital

Dave Sedgwick -
Branding, Identity, Print, Editorial

Brent Couchman -
Illustration, Packaging, Screen Printing

 Print, Editorial, Branding, Promotion, Illustration

Salih Kucukaga -
Branding, Identity, Packaging, Illustration, Editorial, Digital, Typography

Valerie Jar -
Identity, Illustration, Environmental

Michael McMillan -
Identity, Digital, Print

Erwin Hines -
Digital, Identity, Branding, Packaging, Advertising, Print

Homer Mendoze -
Identity, Editorial, Print, Packaging

Gregory Hubacek -

Dan Cassaro -

Studio MPLS -

Tim Bjorn -

Pablo Lobo -

Stefano Agabio -

Brand Culture -

Cast Iron Design -

Experimental Jetset -

Blogs & Collections
Archive of covers/editorials
Packaging design