Wednesday 30 January 2013

OUGD405 - Self Evaluation: Research, Collect, Communicate

At the end of this project,  I can definitely say I worked hard, and the final product shows that. Setting myself a magazine is a big task and I think I managed my time well and got it finished to a high standard.
I think it flowed well and stayed consistent throughout. The movie posters I recreated also fit in well and looked part of the magazine instead of completely different, which was one of my main aims of the project.
The posters worked out well and each was individual - with their own colour scheme & images/typefaces. However the poster I would think about redoing is the 'Beasts of the Southern Wild' one, as I feel that I did not do that one to the best of my ability. This is down to the fact I have not seen the film and there weren't really a lot of images with distinctive items or anything in, in which I could use on the poster. I would also consider redoing the 'Silver Linings Playbook' posters as I don't think I fully explored the potential ideas and layout designs I could have. Other than those two, I do think they all worked well and integrated into the magazine well.
For some of the information I got, I did find it quite hard to come up with images to represent them, which is because a lot of the information was statistics or films I had not seen so could not make adequate images for them. I did it where I could (Avengers & James Bond) but if I had more time, I would consider breaking down some of the pages and include some more images.
The simple book binding worked well and fit in with the style well, I think. If I had considered the size of the magazine/margin size a bit more, I would have liked to do something a little more decorative, but the simple binding works well on this occasion.
The calendar was a last minute decision but I think overall it worked well, and stayed consistent with the style of the magazine. I would have liked to create new images for this, however given the time constraint, this was not possible. I would have liked to have created images for one of the films that was coming out in the month - the issue arising that a lot of the films I had not heard of/had not been advertised yet.
Overall I think the project was a success and is definitely the best I have done so far. I enjoyed creating the magazine, however next time I will perhaps not put the constraints of Saul Bass style on it, as I would have preferred to do something a little more post-modern & Carson like as this is what I prefer. For this though, the style worked well and looked clean and professional in the end.

In the final crit, the feedback was mainly positive, the only negative being the amount of information on a few pages - which I do agree with - and that I should consider the use of white space and how effective that can be instead of overloading the page.

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